Friday, August 05, 2005

Not all classes are created equal.

Sometimes it seems to me that classes take on a personality all of their own. With some classes everything flows smoothly and we don't have even the smallest hint of a problem. However, the class I taught recently was different. I knew from the start it would be a "different" class when at least half the students were still trying to buy masks, fins and snorkels minutes before the class was scheduled to start. Unfortunately, the poor fellow working on the retail side was swamped and the class started late.

It seemed like my instructions were bouncing off the walls. I had to repeat the same instructions three or four times before it seemed that the students understood. Even with the many repetitions, some people just did not pay attention, and when we submerged to perform some skill, they just did not know what to do. These same people were bantering, playing with their gear and generally goofing off while I was trying to demonstrate the skills on the surface. As much as I tried to get their attention and reign in the craziness, it seemed that my best efforts were not having much success.

Don't misunderstand my comments though. I have a great deal of fun teaching these classes and enjoy working with the students. I am just amazed how the personality of a class can change from the one to the next.

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