Sunday, August 27, 2006

What exactly is BWRAF?

Firstly, I think I should start with an admission. When I created this blog, I was hard pressed to come up with a suitable name. I wanted to use something that I could easily remember and that was SCUBA related. Eventually I decided to use the term "BWRAF". I guess I did not think about it too much since I assumed that BWRAF is only a user name and no one would really care too much about what user name I selected.

However, I have noticed a pattern in my blog tracking statistics that a fair percentage of the searches that find my blog are related to what "BWRAF" is. So I think it might be a good idea to define what BWRAF stands for and how to use BWRAF to do a good buddy check.

There are many ways to remember what the order of letters etc. The one that we use where I teach is "Begin With Review And Friend". Whatever method you use is fine as long as you don't forget one of the steps. Below, is a method of training students to use BWRAF to do a buddy check (source: PADI divemaster slate).

BCD secure and functioning properly?
Low pressure inflator attached?
Appropriately filled for entry?
Buddy familiar with operation?
Tank secure?

W (Weights)
Amount of weight appropriate?
System free and clear for emergency release?

R (Releases)
All buckles and releases functional?
Locate releases without looking?
Buddy familiar with operation?

A (Air)

Sufficient for dive?
Valve turned on all the way? (remember to turn a quarter turn back from all open)
Alternate air source properly located?
Familiar with buddy's alternate air source?
Air pressure on which to turn dive? (when to return back)

F (Final check - OK)

General check of buddy - nothing odd or out of place?
Prepare to enter water

Disclaimer: The information above is for educational purposes only. Please do not undertake any SCUBA related activities without the proper training and certification.

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